Roadway Surface Treatments

With our Customer’s budgets becoming increasingly challenged, we have introduced a couple new products to our region, designed to extend roadway life..



Rejuvenating Fog Seal

This roadway sealant corrects raveling, oxidation, & pitting of older asphalt, or tar & chip surfaces. This treatment also seals pavement cracking up to 1/8“. Prime candidates for this application are tar & chip, or asphalt roadways that are 2-3+ years old.


::Extends existing pavement life by 2 to 3 years
::Corrects severe distress
::Increases pavement durability
::Repeat applications possible
::Return to traffic within 2 hours of application


Conventional Fog Seal


Conventional fog seal applications are typically applied to freshly laid chip seal applications.

This treatment eliminates many of the negatives associated with new tar & chip surfaces. It eliminates any “whip off”, or loose aggregate, and/or dust from a new chip seal driving surface. When applied, it quiets any drive tire noise, and leaves a jet black asphalt finish.


::Seals the voids created by 1/2“ aggregate, with an additional surface protection
::Extends pavement life by 1 to 3 years
::The most cost efficient preservation treatment available
::Prevents raveling on driving surfaces
::Seals hairline cracks


Fog Seals are the most cost effective application, to beautify, seal, & extend your chip seal surface.